Credit cards have well and truly revolutionized the whole online transaction processes. Nowadays, most of the payments are made through the use of credit cards since it is quite easy and fast and moreover one even do dot need to carry any cash with himself. Credit cards are only manufactured by four companies all across the worldwide. Credit cards can be classified into many categories depending on the membership type of the owner.
The most common classification consists of regular members, gold card members and platinum card members. Although all these types are broadly meant for the same purpose but the card owner can enjoy various types of facilities and offers depending o the type of ownership he or she has. Platinum credit cards are considered as the most reputed credit cards and to get a platinum card, one requires proving his or her credentials. The credit cards are mainly offered by the banks. However, these days even some other companies offer them. So what makes a platinum credit card different from others? The most salient feature of these cards lies in their low fixed rate.
When you use a platinum credit card for shopping or any other transaction, you are awarded reward points depending on the amount of transaction. So, you can go on collecting these reward points and redeem them at some later point of time for merchandise. Generally, one gets a reward point for each dollar spent through the use of credit card. Unlike the regular credit cards, platinum credit card offers you a fixed rate. Therefore, you won't be required to pay anything as penalty rates and moreover you even do not have to worry about rate hikes in case of late payments. The rate is fixed both for cash advances and balance transfers. The other advantages of for the platinum credit card holder include rental car insurance, travel accident insurance etc.
Nowadays, a new concept of cash back has originated in the worldwide market. Some companies offer some percentage of cash back on the purchases made through the use of their credit cards. The cash back percentage is usually higher for platinum card holder. But there are pros and cons of everything. The platinum credit card may have a restricted usage since it can only be used to buy merchandise from some specialized catalogues. But before buying any platinum credit card you should go through the terms and conditions thoroughly. Some companies might say that you won't have to pay anything extra for the card but later on you may be told to pay additional fee.
The platinum credit cards are usually advertised through television or newspapers, direct mail or telephone solicitations. One can get the platinum credit card w\either from the bank or these days the better option is to go for internet. One requires filling up a small form containing necessary details and submitting it online. If your details fulfill the criteria of the bank or the company then your application will get processed and you will be given the platinum card in few days. The rules for offering platinum credit card vary from company to company.
The most common classification consists of regular members, gold card members and platinum card members. Although all these types are broadly meant for the same purpose but the card owner can enjoy various types of facilities and offers depending o the type of ownership he or she has. Platinum credit cards are considered as the most reputed credit cards and to get a platinum card, one requires proving his or her credentials. The credit cards are mainly offered by the banks. However, these days even some other companies offer them. So what makes a platinum credit card different from others? The most salient feature of these cards lies in their low fixed rate.
When you use a platinum credit card for shopping or any other transaction, you are awarded reward points depending on the amount of transaction. So, you can go on collecting these reward points and redeem them at some later point of time for merchandise. Generally, one gets a reward point for each dollar spent through the use of credit card. Unlike the regular credit cards, platinum credit card offers you a fixed rate. Therefore, you won't be required to pay anything as penalty rates and moreover you even do not have to worry about rate hikes in case of late payments. The rate is fixed both for cash advances and balance transfers. The other advantages of for the platinum credit card holder include rental car insurance, travel accident insurance etc.
Nowadays, a new concept of cash back has originated in the worldwide market. Some companies offer some percentage of cash back on the purchases made through the use of their credit cards. The cash back percentage is usually higher for platinum card holder. But there are pros and cons of everything. The platinum credit card may have a restricted usage since it can only be used to buy merchandise from some specialized catalogues. But before buying any platinum credit card you should go through the terms and conditions thoroughly. Some companies might say that you won't have to pay anything extra for the card but later on you may be told to pay additional fee.
The platinum credit cards are usually advertised through television or newspapers, direct mail or telephone solicitations. One can get the platinum credit card w\either from the bank or these days the better option is to go for internet. One requires filling up a small form containing necessary details and submitting it online. If your details fulfill the criteria of the bank or the company then your application will get processed and you will be given the platinum card in few days. The rules for offering platinum credit card vary from company to company.
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